Monday, December 27, 2010

A Slight Change of Plans

Today it was our plan to leave for Jensen Beach, Florida, with our friends Kent and Joanne Dumas, spending tonight at Comfort Inn in Warwick, RI, and departing tomorrow morning at 6:25 aboard Southwest Airlines flight 3864 to West Palm Beach via Baltimore. A small catch, though. This:

Snowing, blowing, and 6000 flights cancelled, including ours.

Turns our our flight has been cancelled, and all other flights before Friday are fully booked. "Friday!" Mary F. said to the the Southwest agent on the line, "We could drive to Florida by then!" That's when the wheels began to turn. Imagine, no TSA frisking. No luggage limits, or schlepping bags all over the place, or finding out they went to St. Louis instead. No rental car. Making pit stops any damn time we want. Too much to resist.

So, well before the crack of dawn tomorrow we'll load up the old bus, pick up our friends in Phillipston, and head south. Our new plan is a three-day journey (one day less than Southwest Airlines, as it turns out) with intermediate stops in Richmond, Virginia and Savannah, Georgia.

We're looking forward to it. And you're welcome to follow along.

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