Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Columbus to Verona, and Verona to Home

Nearing the end

Of this trip, that is. We aren't nearing the end of anything else, as far as we can tell, and plan to continue our tradition of combining visits to our western family and friends with side trips to interesting places. To wrap this one up, we decided on a two-day journey from Columbus to home. On the first leg, we enjoyed a coffee break in Medina, Ohio with Joe and Peg Prerost. Peg and Mary F. were classmates at Leominster High, circa 1960.

From there, we planned to stop at a casino in the Oneida Nation that we had often seen from the Thomas E. Dewey Thruway but never visited, and spend the night there. Well, not quite there, where the rooms are in the $300 neighborhood (one of those neighborhoods you drive through to gather ideas for when you win the lottery) but at the Inn two miles down the road. It turns out the casino, which is beautiful, well-furnished and busy even on Monday nights, doesn't have a single slot machine. Well, it has what passes more and more as slot machines nowadays, quasi-video games that are impossible to follow; not a single 7, - or cherry in the lot. We made a minor contribution, enjoyed a pleasant dinner, and left.

Nice memories

As always, we come home with fond memories people and places. Like the Eisenhower Farm in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania:

Ike's and Mamie's back yard.

And Lexington, Kentucky, with the wonderful Toyota factory tour and the Mary Todd Lincoln house:

Mary Lincoln's girlhood home.

The visually, spiritually and mathematically fascinating Kentucky Veteran's Memorial:

These honored dead will endure, underscored in the sunlight.

Mark Twain is the best thing that ever happened to American literature, and to Hannibal, Missouri:

In a time-warp image, an aging Twain is shown in young Sam Clemens's bedroom.

A wonderful visit with our stepneice-in-law Roberta Watson:

Roberta and Mary F. at Barney's Diner.

Those wonderful Colorado mountains:

The Ivy League mountains of the Sawatch Range

We got to meet some old friends:

A pleasant Nepalese dinner with our friends Palmer and Linda Beam

Our old friend Bob Gudheim with Mary Frances

We enjoyed visiting with our son Arthur at the Buffalo Bill grave and museum, half a mile higher than the mile high city:

Mary F. and Arthur. He doesn't like seeing his picture posted. We may get a call about that.

The Red Rock Amphitheater, west of Denver:

Mary F. at the amphitheater

After leaving Colorado, we stayed with our friends, the Bridgmans, in Ord, Nebraska:

Mary F., Cathy and Rex Bridgman

A great day in Chicago at the Museum of Science and Industry and a Blue Man Group performance at the Briar Street Theater, with nice digs at the downtown Marriott Courtyard:

A wonderful time in the Windy City

Finally, we got to spend our final weekend of the trip with our family in Columbus:

Dana, Violet, Victor, Grammy, Wendy

Back home

This morning we drove the 300 miles or so from just outside Syracuse, picked up 6 or 7 pounds of mail at the post office as we got to town, and toured the changes in our house that Biltwell Construction performed so well in our absence. We even unwrapped our TV and kicked back. We love to travel, and traveling makes us love being home.

Next adventure: Florida from December 28 to January 7. See you then.

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