Leaving Chicago - Friday, November 12
Time to get our car back from Valet Parking who had it kidnapped for $50 a day, and begin the trip to Columbus and our son Dana's family there. Thursday evening was a blast. Dinner at Jack's on Halstead Street was delicious, even though we eschewed entrees in favor of appetizers. Here's Mary F.'s Brie Pizza with Salad:
A great tasting and creative pizza appetizer at Jack's.
The Blue Man Group was raucous and fun at the Briar Street Theater. Afterward, we took our fourth cab of the day back to the Marriott Courtyard Downtown. Mary F. snapped this picture of the Ferris Wheel at Navy Pier from the back of the cab:
The Ferris Wheel at Navy Pier
Friday morning, and time to get out of town. That wasn't entirely easy because downtown Chicago traffic, especially foot traffic, can be a challenge. Patty Tripp wanted us to take the southern route through Indianapolis but we'd done that several times before and decided this time to take a straighter though slower tour across rural Indiana through Fort Wayne:

Our primary route, on secondary roads. The only way to get pleasant scenery in Indiana.
Hammond, Indiana is the next town east from Chicago, and it's only rival for scenic ugliness is its next-door neighbor, Gary. To add to its tourist wonder, the first twenty-five miles of route 90 in Indiana, while a perfectly adequate highway, has a 55-mph speed limit, for no apparent reason except possibly fundraising. I happened to meet with the long arm of the law, doing 70 in what I learned was that 55-mph area. The officer who stopped us, however, had a very logical perspective on things, and after checking to see if we were inveterate criminals, explained how much farther up the road the limit changed to 70, and wished us a good day. He'd already made it one.
Happy Birthday, Victor
Our job, initially, was to get our granddaughter, Violet, out of the house for a while so mom and dad could get things ready for Vic's birthday party. Poor Vic was under the weather, so he slept instead of going to Brevoort Park with grammy and grampy. Violet loves to swing:
Our little swinger, Violet
She also likes to climb trees; especially this one, her favorite. Some old fat guy acted as her spotter.
Arboreal Violet Rose Hatch
Time for Victor's party:
Cake for a 4-year-old Toy Story fan
Best pals Shayla and Violet; Violet's dad Dana seems to have a guitar stuck in his nose.
Birthday boy with his grampy.
Mommy and Vic and cake and pals.
Violet has a comic line for her dad.
Pretzel chips make Victor start to feel better.
Lazy Sunday
Violet stayed with us at the Doubletree Saturday night, and we all enjoyed a late and lazy morning, with a leisurely hotel breakfast. When we rejoined Dana, Wendy and Victor, it was great to find Victor feeling like his old self and full of energy and chat.

Victor loves his chocolate milk.
One of Victor's birthday gifts was a sweater that Grammy knitted for him. In fact, she knitted one in the same style for all six grandchildren, from 4 to 21.
Victor models the sweater grammy knitted for him.
Alas, it was time to part. We enjoyed a Sunday evening outing with the Hatches of Columbus at the Noodle Factory:
Dana, Violet, Victor, Grammy, Wendy
Tomorrow: Columbus to Syracuse.
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